
These past few days have been days of frustration, stress, and worry. I've been trying to wrap my head around everything that has been happening and have just found myself completely overwhelmed with all of it. I've had a few meltdowns, to say the least, and have had a sense of building frustration with myself. I'm a worrier by nature. I worry about little things. I worry about whether or not I'm going to end up somewhere and be underdressed or overdressed or wind up freezing. I worry about arriving somewhere too early or too late. I worry about small things that normal people don't think about. I'm a worrier. I worry about other people and whether or not I've done something to upset them. I worry excessively. I'm always being told that I'm taking years off of my life by worrying over ridiculous things that have no business being worried over. And I know that they are right. Still, lately I can't seem to get over the things that have been worrying me. Worry #1: I leave for Morven in about a week and I still do not have a car to drive down there. Worry #2: Up until two weeks ago, the church I was staying at didn't know I was coming. Last week, I found out that they are still looking for somewhere for me to live for the summer. Worry #3:What if I get down there and I'm not what they expect and I disappoint them. The worries go on and on and on.

Today, however, I spent some much needed time sitting by the pond with my guitar in hand. Music is escape and with the past few days being so crazy, I had to escape somewhere. As I was playing song after song, I started thinking in depth about the words that I was singing. How many songs were there that proclaimed the greatness of our God? How many times do the songs reference His unfailing love and grace? Over and over, I was singing about how God was everything I needed and desired and how He would never fail to provide for me. I stopped mid-song and listened. I had been singing in worship,praise,and prayer but I wasn't the only one singing. As I grew silent, I heard a bullfrog by the pond croaking and singing along. It was probably the most beautiful song I had heard in some time. And I instantly felt guilty.

In 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, it says " We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory that is much greater than the troubles. We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see." And in Matthew 6:25-34 we are told not to worry about things of this earth. We are not to worry about food,drink,or anything we need for survival because God, our Father, will provide those things for us. As I read these passages I thought of the bullfrog that had joined in my time of worship. I thought of how none of these things I had been worrying about would have concerned the bullfrog. He (and I assume it was a he, I don't really know) wasn't concerned with cars or shelter. He wasn't concerned with the way other bullfrogs perceived him. Our troubles, big or small, are nothing in comparison with what God has in store for those who serve Him faithfully. Psam 37:5 says "Depend on the Lord: trust Him, and He will take care of you." Enough said. I learned something from that bullfrog. Worrying doesn't help any of the situations that I am worrying about. Depending on God, trusting in Him, actively seeking His will, and desiring to serve and glorify Him is a much better use of my time on this earth. He is going to provide and that's all I need to know. It's just another stepping stone in my walk with Him.


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