
I already find myself running out of time to do everything that I want to do and to spend time with everyone I want to spend time with. I'm leaving behind everyone I know for two months. Granted I'm only going 6 hours down the road, but I still find it hard to grasp. It hit me for the first time on Friday night as I was spending time with some of my friends that I already don't get to see too often. As the night came to end, I realized that it would be another two months before I would see them again. I act like I'm not going to be able to have any communication with them at all and that's not the case. I'm still going to be very much connected with the rest of the world but there's a difference in a phone call every now and then and getting to spend time with them.

I've really been thinking a lot about leaving behind friends and family lately. I've been reading in Mark and today I was reading in Mark 10:17 when Jesus is approached by a rich man who comes and asks Him how to inherit eternal life. Jesus reminds him of all of the commandments and the man says that he has upheld them all. Jesus then gives him a challenge. In verse 21, Jesus says "One thing thou lackest: go they way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven." So Jesus tells him first to give up all of his earthly treasures, all of his possessions. Jesus commands him to give up everything he holds that is of the world. But he doesn't stop there. Jesus continues to say "and come, take up the cross, and follow me." Jesus commands this rich man to give up the one thing he has abundance of, money, and to take up his cross and to follow Him. Jesus commands that out of us. We are not to store up treasures here on the earth because they are of no use to us. The reality is that I'm like that rich man sometimes. Verse 22 says "And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions." Sometimes I'm unwilling to give up something that I have. Sometimes it's a dream, a hope, an ambition, or a friend. Sometimes I find myself like that rich man, walking away sad because I know how truly blessed I am and I don't want to give away all of my blessings.

Then I read in Mark 12:41-44 about a widow who gave all she had. There were men coming by and giving their extra money to the Lord, their leftovers if you will, but this widow gave everything she had. I started to think what if we were all like this widow? What if I was like this widow? What if I didn't settle for giving only my leftovers to the Lord- leftover energy, leftover time, leftover resources- but I desired to give Him EVERYTHING that I possessed. Not just giving all that I have financially, but giving all that I have in every way. Leaving behind friends and family to go out where He calls. Leaving behind the treasures I have from this world and seeking only His will and His glory. Leaving behind my dreams and ambitions and picking up the cross He has sat in front of me and following only Him. Our blessings come from the Father, and we should faithfully return those blessings to Him. Whether it be through our time, through our service, through our talents, through our testimonies, we are called to give and do everything through Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." That's my prayer for my summer. That I will be willing to leave behind everything and focus solely on Him and His plans for me. To do everything,to give everything up, for His glory. I know it will be difficult and sometimes I will fail, but in the end it will be worth it. It's just another stepping stone in my walk with Him.


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