Wake Up Call

This weekend has found me driving a LOT and with lots of driving, comes lots of music and little time to blog so here we go friends. 

In one of my more recent posts I talked about how my family is such a blessing to me. I love them, especially my nephew. It is such a joy to be an aunt and to have such a precious nephew in my life. Joy is truly exemplified in this precious little three year old. He finds joy in such the smallest things, like scented bubbles (that aren't even scented) or a new song. He loves music. I was riding with him in the car this morning and there was a song on the radio that he didn't even know and I look over and find him with his eyes closed, nodding his head to the beat, and just enjoying the simplicity of a good song. Let me remind you, he's three. One thing I really love about my nephew is that he loves to sing. He picks up a song and just latches to it and will learn it and sing it over and over and over. His new song is "Just the Way You Are". Let me just preface this by saying I've never been a big fan of this song but I find him singing it way too cute to not love so I wanted to share with you guys a little bit of the blessing that God has put in my life in the form of a small, three year old boy.


The next song I want to share is one you have probably heard but I love it still. I want to challenge you to forget about the fact that you have heard it before but to just listen to it. It's a song of praise. It reminds me a lot of 2 Samuel 22 when David is praising the Lord for delivering him. David is pouring his heart of thanksgiving out to the Lord and I was convicted when reading this passage that so many times I forget to praise and thank the Lord for answering my prayers, for delivering me from my enemies, for providing for me. Sometimes I become ungrateful and this song and 2 Samuel 22 reminds me that the Lord deserves praise for all because He alone is all powerful, He alone is magnificent, He alone is worthy of our praise and He is strong above all. 

Your Love is Strong-Jon Foreman

The next song came late one night as I was coming back from spending some wonderful time with some dear friends. I realized that I take their friendship for granted so much. I love each and every one of them but there was a time when they weren't in my life and I felt the same way that is described in this song. As I was driving across the mountain and listening to this song I was convicted on how much stock I put into spending time with my friends. I'm not saying that time with friends isn't needed or well deserved but when it becomes something that you can't function without, it's a problem. The Lord has been blessing me with time to spend alone and with Him. I sometimes forget that my relationship with Him should come before any other relationship and that's what I think this song is really pointing to. When we feel alone, when we feel like we are out of place or out of sync with the rest of the world, we have someone that loves us unconditionally and so much that He gave us His son and His son gave us the greatest gift of all, His life. He gave His life for us and that is something that should take our breath away every time we think about it. We are never out of place or out of sync because He loves us. 

Bleeding For You-Sixteen Cities

Today as I was driving back to Athens, I had the wonderful opportunity to have an amazing conversation about God and our walks with Him with a friend. It's amazing how so many times we as Christians don't want to talk about the times that we are struggling in our walks. Those times happen and sometimes we have lost that passion that we once had. Most of the times, we equate that feeling with failure and inadequacy in our walks with the Lord. In truth, we are all inadequate but that is the beauty of His grace. He doesn't love us because we deserve it. He doesn't love us BECAUSE of who we are, He loves us IN SPITE of who we are. I'm sure a lot of us, if not most, have had those times when we felt disconnected from who we were created to be and this last song is just talking about begging God to help us rediscover Him. Because in truth, we can not be revived on our own. We do not make ourselves a new creation, but God creates in us a new self. I really love this song. I love the truth and honesty in it. I hope you guys enjoy! 

Rediscover You-Starfield

I encourage you guys to read all of Isaiah 43 and really dwell on what the Lord is saying. I find this such an encouraging passage and hope you will as well. 

"But now, this is what the LORD says—
   he who created you, Jacob,
   he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
   I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 
2 When you pass through the waters,
   I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
   they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
   you will not be burned;
   the flames will not set you ablaze." 

Isaiah 43:1-2


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